(Answered)-omplete New Content below, and copy it under the sections in Key - (2025 Updated Original AI-Free Solution
- omplete New Content below, and copy it under the sections in Key Assignment document called "Impact Analysis on Organization Implementing Change."
- Complete your Stakeholder Register and Stakeholder Analysis
New Content
- Stakeholder register
- Stakeholder Analysis as follows:
- Group your stakeholders based on their level of authority (power) and their level of concern (interest) regarding the outcome of your project in a Power/Interest Grid.
- Group your stakeholders based on their level of authority (power) and active involvement (influence) regarding your project in a Power/Influence Grid.
- Group your stakeholders based on their active involvement (influence) and their ability to effect changes to the project's planning or execution (impact) in an Influence/Impact Grid.
- Use the Salience model to describe the classes of stakeholders based on their power (ability to impose their will), urgency (need for immediate attention), and legitimacy (how appropriate their involvement is)
- Utilize?the?results?of?your?stakeholder?analysis?to?construct?your?Stakeholders?Engagement?Assessment?Matrix?as?described?in?PMBOK?Chapter?13:?Section?2?and?at?the?link?titled?"Stakeholder?Analysis?Matrix"?below?in?the?Phase?Resources.?You?will?use?the?information?you?gain?from?your?stakeholder?analysis?and?assessment?during?your?Phase?4?IP?assignment?to?develop?your?Stakeholder?Management?Plan?that?identifies?your?strategies?for?effectively?engaging?your?stakeholders.
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2,000-3,500 words of new contentStakeholder?Management Plan?
- Identify desired and current engagement levels of key stakeholders.
- Identify interrelationships and potential overlap between stakeholders.
- Identify at least 5 strategies you can use to engage your stakeholders.?
- Develop a Stakeholder Management Plan that utilizes your identified strategies to achieve your desired level of stakeholders' engagement.
- Describe how the information you have included in your Stakeholder Management Plan will?help you manage to achieve your desired level of stakeholders' engagement.?
Communications Management Plan
- Identify which types of communication (such as regularly scheduled meetings, shared media such as SharePoint, email, social media, hardcopy reports, etc.) you will use to communicate project status. Be specific on timeframes, the types of information that will be shared, and the level of detail that will be shared with these tools.
- Next, discuss which stakeholder groups will receive the specific types of communication you have identified. This can be done via a matrix or table by listing stakeholders in the left column, the types of communications along the top, and an "x" in the cells where a specific stakeholder group should receive a particular type communication.
- Layout an authorization plan and who will need to sign-off on specific communications or movement to the next phase in a project.
- Include samples of some of the reports or canned communications that would be sent.
Organizational Leadership
Helping Hands
Jarod Jones
Project outline.............................................................................................................................................4
Organizational Structure..............................................................................................................................5
Personality Type Assessment Results..........................................................................................................9
Personal Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses.......................................................................................10
Impact Analysis on Organization Implementing Change............................................................................12
Stakeholder Management Plan.................................................................................................................13
Communications Plan................................................................................................................................14
Negotiation Strategy and Plan...................................................................................................................15
Project outline
Helping Hands is a non-profit corporation and shall be operated
exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning
of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the
corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.
The purpose of the Foundation is to implement programs and services
that will improve the quality of life of residents with an emphasis on
low income and elderly families.
Organizational Structure
Number of Directors
Men of Determination shall have a board of directors consisting of at least 4 and
no more than 15 directors. Within these limits, the board may increase or
decrease the number of directors serving on the board, including for the purpose
of staggering the terms of directors.
All corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of the board and
the affairs of the Men of Determination Shall be managed under the direction of
the board, except as otherwise provided by law.
Board Officers
The officers of the corporation shall be a board president, vice-president,
secretary, and treasurer, all of whom shall be chosen by, and serve at the pleasure
of, the board of directors. Each board officer shall have the authority and shall
perform the duties set forth in these Bylaws or by resolution of the board or by
direction of an officer authorized by the board to prescribe the duties and
authority of other officers. The board may also appoint additional vice-presidents
and such other officers as it deems expedient for the proper conduct of the
business of the corporation, each of whom shall have such authority and shall
perform such duties as the board of directors may determine. One person may
hold two or more board offices, but no board officer may act in more than one
capacity where action of two or more officers is required.
Term of Office
Each officer shall serve a one-year term of office and may not serve more than
three (3) consecutive terms of office. Unless unanimously elected by the board at
the end of his/her three (3) year terms or to fill a vacancy in an officer position,
each board officer?s term of office shall begin upon the adjournment of the board
meeting at which elected and shall end upon the adjournment of the board
meeting during which a successor is elected.
Removal and Resignation
The board of directors may remove an officer at any time, with or without cause.
Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the corporation
without prejudice to the rights, if any, of the corporation under any contract to
which the officer is a party. Any resignation shall take effect at the date of the
receipt of the notice or at any later time specified in the notice, unless otherwise
specified in the notice. The acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary
to make it effective.
Board President
The board president shall be the chief volunteer officer of the corporation. The
board president shall lead the board of directors in performing its duties and
responsibilities, including, if present, presiding at all meetings of the board of
directors, and shall perform all other duties incident to the office or properly
required by the board of directors.
Vice President
In the absence or disability of the board president, the ranking vice-president or
vice-president designated by the board of directors shall perform the duties of the
board president. When so acting, the vice-president shall have all the powers of
and be subject to all the restrictions upon the board president. The vice-president
shall have such other powers and perform such other duties prescribed for them
by the board of directors or the board president. The vice-president shall
normally accede to the office of board president upon the completion of the
board president?s term of office.
The secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a book of minutes of all meetings and
actions of directors and committees of directors. The minutes of each meeting
shall state the time and place that it was held and such other information as shall
be necessary to determine the actions taken and whether the meeting was held in
accordance with the law and these Bylaws. The secretary shall cause notice to be
given of all meetings of directors and committees as required by the Bylaws. The
secretary shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be
prescribed by the board of directors or the board president. The secretary may
appoint, with approval of the board, a director to assist in performance of all or
part of the duties of the secretary.
The treasurer shall be the lead director for oversight of the financial condition and
affairs of the corporation. The treasurer shall oversee and keep the board
informed of the financial condition of the corporation and of audit or financial
review results. In conjunction with other directors or officers, the treasurer shall
oversee budget preparation and shall ensure that appropriate financial reports,
including an account of major transactions and the financial condition of the
corporation, are made available to the board of directors on a timely basis or as
may be required by the board of directors. The treasurer shall perform all duties
properly required by the board of directors or the board president. The treasurer
may appoint, with approval of the board a qualified fiscal agent or member of the
staff to assist in performance of all or part of the duties of the treasurer.
Non-Director Officers
The board of directors may designate additional officer positions of the
corporation and may appoint and assign duties to other non-director officers of
the corporation.
Personality Type Assessment Results
Personal Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses
Good listener
A project manager is a person who has the overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning,
design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project. Construction, petrochemical,
architecture, information technology and many different industries that produce products and services
use this job title. A project manager is where I see myself in the future to be. A project manager must
have many combinations of skills mind set and other ability that you will have to deal with on a daily
basis. General management skills are what they call it now days. They key is always among a project
manager must have plenty duties and recognitions, that risk directly impacts the likelihood of success
and that this risk must be both formally and informally measures throughout the lifetime of a project. I
would like to be the person who is responsible for making decisions, both large and small. Also the
certain soft they use Is very intelligent in many ways it is as simple as it seems many people wouldn?t
seems to think they us Microsoft project, to organize their tasks and workforce. As I will explain what my
research represents and what I have learned and hope to consider as a career in many degrees of project
manager. So, as I do my research I?ve come across within any organization, successful project
management is contextual. What that means is that the organization itself matters, its culture, its
structure, and its strategy each play an integral part and together they create the environment in which a
project will flourish and be bigger and better in many ways or founder. Issues that affect a project can
vary widely from company to company. A project?s connection to your organization?s overall strategy, for
example, the care with which you staff the team, and the goals you set for the project can be very
Similarly, your organization?s policies, structure, culture, and operating systems can work to support and
promote project management or work against the ability to effectively run projects. Contextual issues
provide the backdrop around which project activities must operate, so understanding what is beneath
these issues truly contributes to understanding how to manage projects. Before beginning a projector
any project for that manner, the project manager and team must be certain about the structure of the
organization are very certain in every way as it pertains to their project and the tasks they seek to
accomplish. As clearly as possible, all reporting relationships must be specified and many ways you have
to be accurate, the rules and procedures that will govern the project must be established, and any issues
of staffing the project team must be identified and cleared. Prior to the start of Operation Desert Storm
in 1991, the U.S. and allied countries devoted an enormous amount of time and effort to develop a
working relationship among all coalition members, ensuring that each group was given its assignments,
understood its job, and recognized how the overall structure and management of the coalition was
expected to proceed. Desert Storm illustrated the importance of clearly establishing an organizational
structure before the start of integrated operations. For many organizations, projects and project
management practices are not the operating norm. In fact, as projects typically exist outside of the
formal, process-oriented activities associated with many organizations. As a result, many companies are
simply not structured at all in many ways to allow for the successful completion of projects in
conjunction with other ongoing corporate activities.
The key challenge is discovering how project management may best be employed, regardless of the
structure the company has adopted. What are the strengths and weaknesses of various structural forms
and what are their implications for our ability to manage projects? You will see how the variety of
structural options can affect, either positively or negatively, the firm?s ability to manage projects. The
chapter will examine the concept of organizational culture and its roots and implications for effective
project management. Certain Projects have been called the ?stepping-stones? of corporate strategy. This
idea implies that an organization?s overall strategic vision is the driving force behind its project
development in many ways. I can go on and on for hours because this subject really spark my interest in
many ways, which lead me directly to stakeholder. Projects have been called the ?stepping-stones? of
corporate strategy. This idea implies that an organization?s overall strategic vision is the driving force
behind its project development which is very minded blowing in many ways. So as I have prover the
different moods and the strengths of a legitimate project manager it makes feel relieved that I?m on the
right track of learning. The way that you can improve your weakness is through team building exercises
that allow you to focus on building your employees up together.
Impact Analysis on Organization Implementing Change
Stakeholder Management Plan
Communications Plan
Negotiation Strategy and Plan