(Answered)-(15 points) As lead analyst on a new system development project, - (2025 Updated Original AI-Free Solution
- (15 points) As lead analyst on a new system development project, you have been hard at work developing the program designs for the new system.? Much of your time over the last three weeks has been devoted to this task, and you are nearing your target deadline.? You have been so immersed in this work that you have decided to ask a team member to spend some time reviewing the structure charts that you have prepared.? Although you have tried to be very careful in your work, you know that it is easy to overlook some design problems, and you want to avoid as many nasty surprises later as you can.? The team member you want to help you has had quite a bit of experience reading and implementing systems from structure charts, but she has not been responsible for their development yet in her career.
Describe what your team member should look for with regard to cohesion.? What will signify good cohesion in the design?? What should she look for that might signify poor cohesion in the design?
Describe what your team member should look for with regard to coupling.? What will signify good coupling in the design?? What should she look for that might signify poor coupling in the design?
Describe what your team member should look for with regard to fan-in and fan-out.? What will signify high fan-in in the design?? What should she look for that might signify low fan-in in the design?? What will signify low fan-out in the design?? What should she look for that might signify high fan-out in the design?
- (15 points) Jones Legal Investigation Services, Inc., is a growing business that performs legal investigations at the request of attorneys.? The company owner, Richard Jones, offers a wide range of investigative services, including audio interviews, video interviews, ground accident scene photos, ground accident scene digital videos, and night vision and electronic surveillance.? Using the company?s own plane, aerial accident scene photos and digital videos are also available.? When the company was small, Richard could rely on manual filing methods for his case materials, using the computer only for various bookkeeping tasks.? However, the company?s primary client, attorney Dan Holm, has such a burgeoning legal practice that the manual filing methods are becoming inadequate.? Also, the advances in digital technology make it possible for much of the case material to be stored digitally on computer.
Richard knows that he will need to obtain some expert advice regarding the selection of the appropriate data storage format for a system that will help him manage his case materials.?
What data storage format do you recommend he consider for this application? Justify your choice.?
Are there any disadvantages associated with your choice of data storage format?
- (15 points) As you have worked on the system development project team at the Wilcon Company, you have heard the users and project sponsor repeatedly worry about the performance speed of the new order entry system.? There has been so much discussion of this issue that you decided to do a little investigation.? After a few ?casual? conversations around the coffee machine, you?ve learned that a system developed for the Distribution Department several years ago was a major disappointment in the company.? Although the system had the features that the users had requested, the system actually ran ?as slow as molasses in January? according to one disgusted system user.
Everyone on the team has been concerned about why the users and sponsor were so hung up on system processing speed.? Now, you know the source of their anxiety, and you?ve shared what you?ve discovered with your project manager.? In response, your manager has asked you to prepare a short memo that discusses, in simple terms, the techniques your team will use to enhance processing performance in the new system.?
- Prepare?this?memo,?explaining?the?ways?in?which?the?project?team???????will?try?to?speed?up?data?access?in?the?new?system.
- (10 points) Earhart Aviation operates a multi-service aviation business, including fuel, aircraft maintenance, charter flights, aircraft rentals, and flight instruction.? The company has a major systems development project underway, with a comprehensive system being developed to permit online entry of all work performed in the maintenance shop, fuel purchases, online scheduling of charter flights, flight instruction, and aircraft rentals, and automated billing for the above activities.
Due to the wide range of personnel who will be interacting with the system (from shop personnel to line personnel to office personnel to flight instructors and students), the design of the user interface is important.? Not only should the user interface be thoroughly tested, there must be sufficient user documentation available to help the users work with the system.
Because of the importance of the user interface to the ultimate success of this system, discuss the user interface testing that you believe should be conducted for this project.