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Refrigerators, ovens, washers, and dryers built since 2000 are expected to last 8?12 years, while those built in the 1970s and 1980s lasted 20 years or more. This shift in product life is an example of a. a tipping point. b. mechanization. c. planned obsolescence. d. rationalization. 1 points ??QUESTION 26 A small boy tells his mother he wants a Barbie doll for Christmas. His mother tells him that dolls are for girls. This exchange constitutes a. nature. b. socialization. c. autonomy. d. assimilation. 1 points ??QUESTION 27 During a sociology class, Bobby gets a text message from his friend. He knows the teacher expects students to refrain from texting in class so he ignores the text until the end of class. George Herbert Mead would argue that this behavior is a product of the student?s a. ?I.? b. ?me.? c. looking-glass self. d. reflexive thinking. 1 points ??QUESTION 28 The sociological perspective builds all?but?which one of the following analytical skills? a. The ability to focus on the individuals separate from others. b. The ability to anticipate intended and unintended consequences. c. The ability to avoid using personal bias as a basis for making decisions and recommendations that affect others. d. The ability to use the methods of social research to recognize and provide useful information. 1 points ??QUESTION 29 ?Poor people often ?volunteer? for over-the-counter and prescription drug tests.? From a functionalist perspective, this statement is describing a. the negotiated order. b. human nature. c. a fa?ade of legitimacy. d. a function of poverty. 1 points ??QUESTION 30 Questions such as ?which groups are most likely to drop out of high school and which are most likely to attend college?? and ?who writes the curriculum?? would be of interest to a a. social stratification theorist. b. symbolic interactionist. c. functionalist. d. conflict theorist.
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(Answered)-Refrigerators, ovens, washers, and dryers built since 2000 are - (2025 Updated Original AI-Free Solution
Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)
5 pages × $22.00
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5 pages × $22.00
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